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Quick start

V5 Version

Function optimization for versions above V5.0:

  1. Optimized the interface
  2. Provides task management functionality
  3. Support customization of 'user agent'
  4. Support custom transcoding formats and transcoding presets
  5. Refactored the overall code logic and split the project.

At present, it is in the testing version and can be installed to experience the new features.

Due to the built-in 'sqlite3' in the project, pkg packaging cannot automatically bring in the. node native dependencies, resulting in a missing '. node' file in the release of GitHub Actions packaging. We are currently working on finding a solution

Must see

It is recommended to use releases version v4.2.1 or above. For lower versions, the config.yml configuration may not be compatible

releases installation

To install releases, you only need to download the executable file of the corresponding platform: Click here to download ⬇️


Windows platform does not require too much explanation, just double-click to run it

After Linux platform users have downloaded, they must first authorize the file: chmod +x fffandown-linux, and then execute ./ffandown-linux

Users of the macos platform need to be authorized before executing the file just like Linux, so I won’t go into details.

docker installation

Execute the following commands in the terminal:

docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -v /home/media:/app/media -v /Uses/helson/config:/app/config -v /Uses/helson/logs:/app/logs h55205l/ffandown: latest

Command description

The default startup port is 8081, corresponding to the port field in the configuration

/app/media is the directory for downloading media in the container

/app/config is the configuration file directory within the container

/app/logs is the log file directory in the container, which can be mapped according to actual needs.


Arm users please use the arm64 version: h55205l/ffandown:arm64

Synology installation

  1. Pull the image: h55205l/ffandown

  2. Add new container

    Network: You can use bridged or pass-through networks

    Port: The local port depends on your own needs. The internal default is 8081.

    Folder mapping: media folder internal /app/media, internal log folder: /app/logs, configuration folder: /app/logs


Note that you need to authorize the mapped folder and configure it in Synology.

Configuration file description

If there is no config.yml configuration file, the default configuration will be used and the configuration file will be automatically created (under the config folder in the running directory).

  • port: The port the service listens on
  • downloadDir: download directory, relative to the location of the executable file, or use an absolute path (load @ in front of the address)
  • webhooks: webhook notification address, you can use software such as DingTalk or bark. $TEXT is a variable: the name of the downloaded file (note that the variable is in uppercase only and only supports bark)! ! ! Please modify the address manually
  • webhookType: bark | 'feishu' | 'dingding'
  • thread: whether to enable express multi-thread service (not enabled by default)
  • downloadThread: Whether to enable ffmpeg multi-thread transcoding
  • useFFmpegLib: Whether to automatically build in ffmpeg. When the service is started, it will automatically download ffmpeg for the corresponding platform. If it is not started, the local environment will be used by default.

General use

After the service is started successfully, you can see the download page by opening localhost:8081 directly in the browser.

API usage

Create download task

Interface address: http://localhost:8081/down

Request method: post

Request header: Content-Type: application/json

Request parameters:

   name: "videoname",
   url: ""

Configure the violent monkey plug-in to use

Violent Monkey Installation

First, make sure you have installed the Violent Monkey plug-in. I won’t go into details here on how to install it. You can get it at:

Minimalist plug-in


Violent Monkey plug-in installation

Currently, greasyfork cannot upload plug-ins for sharing, so you need to obtain the script and install it manually.

Copy script content

Click this address ffandown-violentmonkey-script, and then copy the content

Create script

Click on the plugin’s icon and add the + button

Paste and save

Paste the copied content, and then modify the FFANDOWN_URL parameter to your service deployment address:


Configure shortcut command usage

Click here to download shortcuts

Remember to edit the command before use and modify the server's address IP and port.